Whether you’re casting from the bank or fishing from a boat, Oregon River Maps & Fishing Guide tells you where to be and when to be there. Learn the secrets of Oregon’s best rivers, including the “insider” information you need to experience the very best fishing Oregon has to offer. We’ve even included phone and email information for the essential services and accommodations specific to the needs of fishermen. Keep one Oregon River Maps & Fishing Guide in your car and another in your office, so you can always access the information you need, when you need it.
- ISBN: 978-1-57188-5142
- Author: Frank Amato Publications
- Pages: 88
- Published: 2004 and again 2014
- River Access
- Boat Launches
- Fishing Techniques
- Species Run-Timing Charts
- Knots & Tackle Guide
- Fly & Gear Fishing
- Services & Accommodations for Anglers
Even included phone and email information for the essential services and accommodations specific to the needs of fishermen