Make fueling and refueling your outdoor gear from lawnmowers to 4-wheelers easy and mess-free with the Scepter SmartControl Rear Handle Diesel Container. Easy-to-pour design. Whether mowing an acreage doing chores at the farm or gearing up for ATV adventures this diesel fuel container ensures you can refill your vehicles quickly and efficiently with the controllable flow and ample 5-gallon capacity. The rugged plastic construction stands up to continuous use season after season and the squeeze-controllable flow ensures fast fills without spills. A rear handle makes this plastic jug easy to lift and carry and allows you to fuel up your machines seamlessly. This fuel jug will be your much-needed companion when you want to keep your momentum without having to stop for a long or cumbersome refueling process. When you re busy and need to fuel up in a flash trust the Scepter SmartControl Diesel Container to help you work smarter not harder.
We are a Seattle, WA based outdoor gear store with a mission to make climbing, backpacking & mountaineering accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
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